Medicines taken to cure certain ailments may cause impotence or sexual dysfunction as a side effect of that medicine. Various side effects recorded after undergoing Allopathic medication are decrease in sperm count, abnormal liver functions, liver malignancy etc. Regular use of sleeping pills, tranquilizer or anti-depressants leads to impotency. Prolonged intake of antacids, antibiotics, anti coagulants, aspirin barbiturates for different ailments, may affects liver functions, and also affects nutrients in your body.
Cholesterol lowering drug high blood pressure drugs cause some negative side effects again in the form of Impotency. The horridity of the fact is that doctors themselves seek to avoid creating a psychosomatic reaction. For instance, if a doctor tells a patient, who is taking medication for high blood pressure that they may be impotent, then he may lose the trust of his patient or the patient itself.
Wrong or excessive use of a few type of medication like reserpine, methyldopa, guanethidine, and propranuol; nitrofurantoin for urinary infection; corticosteroids; anabolic steroids for muscle building and anti psychotic drugs can make your Sex-life hellish causing sexual dysfunction. Medical journals report that the medicines (drugs) such as baclofen, clofibirate disopyramide, fenfluramine hydrocloride, spironolactone may induce impotence.
The side effect of these modern medicines can only be corrected effectively by unani herbal treatment.