Female Sexuality

It is considered that unlike man, woman’s sexual arousal is slow. Some women need foreplay and body stimulation. Once they equally aroused along with their partner, then their sexual indulgence will be perfectly satisfactory. While in sexual inter action, simultaneous clitoral stimulation can enhance sexual pleasure.


Breast is an apparent distinction between male & female. It is a mass of fatty tissue. The main function of the breast is to produce milk for the newborn baby. Breasts vary in size & shape. Yet, the shape & size of the breasts has nothing to do with woman’s fertility & sexuality.Breasts start developing before a girl starts to menstruate.Breasts become slightly firm during excitement. If,whenever a woman feels lumps or bumps in breast, she should immediately consult a competent physician.


This is the female genital passage. Vagina unsheathes & covers the penis during intercourse. It is made as of a cover to the penis during intercourse. It is made of modified skin in which it covers an elastic fibro muscular structure. From the opening it goes upward at the angle of 60-70 degree at the top of cervix- the neck of the womb points on it. Its approximate length is 10 cms The vagina undergoes active changes during coitus.


Clitoris is situated on the front of pubic bone and is almost surrounded by labia majora. It is sort of small penis & consists of erectile tissue & richly supplied with nerve ends. This is the most sensitive part of the vulva –the external female genitalia. The size of the clitoris is ¾ of an inch. The role of clitoris in sex, part stimulation, is still unknown. It appears only in female excitement.


These tubes extend from the ovaries, which are situated on either side of the womb. Each is about 4 inches long. There is a free passage from vagina to womb & womb to fallopian tubes.


(OVUM) Egg or ovum is the name given to female reproductive cell. All of them vary too much in size but basically they have the same shape. Egg is expelled from ovary to fallopian tube, where the male sperm fertilizes it, otherwise it will remain there and expelled with in few days.


As per our observation, painful sexual intercourse leading to vaginismus is the most common sexual problem. This is known as dyspareunia. Most often, when the woman is not properly aroused (lubricated) and if the man makes an attempt to enter, it leads to irritation & pain is always present at the time of intercourse then it could because of hymeneal obstruction, urethral disorders or congenital malformation of the ullva or vagina. It could also occur following post-operative scars & atrophic vulvo vaginitis. If the pain is present occasionally. Then one may look for some local infection or allergy. Deep thrust dyspareunia could be because of pelvic congestion, inflammatory disease of the pelvis, certain ovarian pathologies, or vaginal reconstruction surgery.Many men use their partners simply as sleeping pills. These men, after they reach orgasm, do not bother about partner satisfaction, then she is left halfway. There will be a lot of congestion in the pelvic region and if this is not released she may get a lingering pain in the lower abdomen or a constant low backache.


A distraction,disturbed inter personal relationship, anti hypertensive drugs, tranquilisers, sedatives, hypnotics & some times oral contraceptives can all lead to decline in sexual desire. Any pain at the time of coitus, whether it is vaginites, pelvic infection or different uterine position may lead to firigidity of sudden on set.


This is a hallow, muscular and thick walled organ connected with fallopian tubes & it is pointed towards cervix. It is about 8 to 9 cm in length, 6 cms across in its widest part & about 4 cms thick in the thickest across in its widest part & about 4 cms thick in the thickest part, the walls of the womb are about 1 to 2 cms. Thick & length of the internal cavity is about 7.5 to 8 cms measured from external Os. Womb is the place, which holds the future generation i.e. the child.


This is a disease of woman which some times ruins their health mentally & physically. In this disease a type of liquid starts coming out of vagina regularly. Normally their wetting of vagina is not a disease. Some lubricative fluid is there. But, if the discharge is in excess and continues to wet the undergarments leaving stains on it, then this should be examined. In leucorrhoea the vaginal discharge can be as a fluid as water and also thick & yellowish. There will also be some bad odour and due to the excessive discharge there may be itching in her vagina.
Because of increased itching, vagina may also get swollen. When this disease becomes chronic the woman may come to suffer from general weakness, forgetfullness, pain in her waist, paleness on her face etc. Gradually she grows weaker & may find herself unable to produce children. Even though most vaginal infections are not life threatening, but they should be treated promptly. Left untreated, some can cause major complications because the infections are sexually transmissible. Your partner should be treated too, even if he has no symptoms; he can reinfect you. And it is, unfortunately possible to get more than one kind of infection at a time .

These are a certain conditions that warrant seeing a doctor/ physician sooner: