Impotence or erectile dysfunction is the condition in which the male organ does not have the proper erection to have a satisfying sexual act (Inter-course). The person loses his retention power or gets discharged without any satisfaction for him or his partner and some times the penis loses the capacity of erection.
Impotence is a very common problem that affect 20 million (approximately 1 out of 5) American man and in world over many many more million are suffering from this. According to Hakeem hashmi a prominent unani practitioner & researcher almost all men some time or other experience erectile dysfunction. Impotence is the result or a single or more commonly a combination of multiple factors. At one time impotence was thought to be the result psychological problems but we now know that 90% of the cases are organic in nature. Some of the many causes of impotence include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and vascular disease, stress, hormone problems, pelvic surgery, trauma, venous leak and side effects of frequently prescribed medications.

Although most men occasionally experience short-lived or partial erections the persistent inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse makes a male impotent many men wonder if this condition is temporary and will go away by itself or of it is something to be concerned about. It is impotence for a man to be able to tell the difference between an occasional failure (A common problem) and a more serious problem in deciding whether you need medical help ask yourself the following questions: –

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions and if you are dissatisfied with your level of sexual performance then you have a problem with impotence that can be treated.
The impotent man has a desire for intercourse but he is helpless since his penis does not have an erection. The genital organ will become a paralyzed part of the body. Even if he achieves some erection he discharges before intercourse. This disorder ruins the married life. The ill effect of impotence not only befalls on man only. His wife becomes very much disappointed & the frustrated. Not only the satisfaction of the sexual desire but the desire of having a child is more impotence to her. To fulfill this desire she flirt away and end into the hands of other man by which a heaven like home will turn into a hell.