Penis: -This is the male organ of coitus or intercourse or the act for reproductivity. It is made of three bodies & covered with skin. It varies in size from person to person. It's normal length when in flaccid condition is 7cm to 12cms and 12 CMS to 21 CMS when erect. The circumference ranges from 7.5 to 10.5 CMS in flaccid condition and in erection it is about 8.5 CMS to 12 CMS.
Glans: -The tip of the penis is known as glans. It is an expansion of the corpus spongionsum. The base of the glans, projects out from the main body of the penis and this projecting margin is called corona.
Prostate: -This gland appears to be a sexual organ, since in animals that have seasonal sexuality, the prostate enlarges during the mating season and then shrinks until the next. In the adults human male, it is about 4 CMS, across as its base and is the size of a chestnut. The prostate is composed of muscular & glandular tissue. It's secretions pass down about 20 small ducts, which lead to the section of the urethra that, pierces the prostate gland, but their purpose is not yet fully understood.
Semen: -This is the mixture of secretions from the prostate seminal vesicle & spermatozoa from the testes. When a man reaches climay, semen starts coming out of the penis with pressure. Each time in two days about 2 to 6 ml semen comes out when man reaches orgasm this is the elixir of reproductivity and semen contains sperms.
Smegma:- Smegma is a mixture of dead skin cells and skin grease. This looks like soap flakes as it hides under the foreskin of the penis. In woman it is found near clitoris. The presence of it denotes the poor standards of person's hygiene, and it can contribute in transmitting disease.
Scrotum or scrotalsac: -
This is the sack behind the penis scrotum is part of the male genitals this is thin walled soft muscular pouch underneath the penis containing two compartment to hold the testicles which manufacture a man's sex cells called sperm and the male sex hormone called testosterone. The testicles feel solid but a little spongy like hard boiled eggs without the shell. They hang (connected) to a cord called the spermatic cold that consists of blood vessels tubes nerve & muscle fibers. Under certain conditions such as exercise, exposure to cold and sexual arousal in particular the muscle fibers in the scrotum cause the entire sac to contract & wrinkle up drawing a the testicles closer to the body. In response to heat or total relaxation the scrotum becomes very loose & soft with a smooth surface and the relaxed muscle fiber cause the testicles to hang farther from the body.
These changes in the scrotum illustrate the primary function of the scrotum, which is to act as a natural climate control center for the testicles. The temperature in the scrotum is a degree or two lower than the usual body temperature. The testicles need this lower temperature in order to carry out their job of producing viable sperm. If the testicles are kept at body temperature or higher for a prolonged period infertility or sterility can result. The scrotum continually monitors the environment for temperature changes & responds automatically in the way that is best for the production of healthy sperm.
A male's scrotum is very sensitive to touch and can be a source of sensual pleasure. Some man enjoys having their scrotum stroked & fondled during sexual activity with their partner. A little massaging of scrotum from underneath, cupping the testicles in the palm of the hand is often sensually pleasing to a male. Some men report that they have learned to delay an impending ejaculation generally pulling down on their testicles. This is one technique used in Tantric intercourse to prolong the sexual experience.
Testicles: -
The testicles found inside the scrotum pouch, the pouch is divided into two smaller pouches each containing one testicle with its epididymis. An epididymis is connected to the testicle and over lies it like a cap. It contains a very large amount of microscopically small tubes. The testicles manufacture a man's sex cells called sperm and the male sex hormone called testosterone. The testicles feel solid but a little spongy like hard boiled eggs without the shell. They hang from cord called the spermatic-cord. The testicles produce sperm best when they are at a temperature which is a few degrees below the normal body temperature, that is why nature has designed a scrotum so that the testes can hang outside the body to keep them cool. The testicles start producing sperm when a young man reaches puberty. The sperm is stored in epididymis. From the epididymis the vas deferens will conduct the `freshly made sperm cell to the area of the prostate. The vas deferens runs together with blood vessels that supply blood to and from the testicles & some muscle fiber; as a sort of long thin sausage they perforate the abdominal wall at the groin. Since from the standpoint of the abdomen the testicles are located outside the body there must be a tiny hole in the abdomen wall there to let the vas deferens in early or later life a hernia may from at this weak spot. Right behind the prostate the vas deferens joins the outlets of the seminal vesicles to be able to leave the body through the urethra as semen in search of a female egg cell.
Like so many other organs in our body the testicles has its identical counter part, the left and right testicles. The testicles both have exactly the same function. Unlike what some people think nothing is held in reserve; both testicles are active although, in normal circumstances one testicles is sufficient.
The sperm: -
The sperm are produced inside several hundred coiled microscopic tubules called somniferous tubules present in the testes. These tubules converge & collect in the form of a delta (the river mouth) near the upper part of the testis called the rete testis, which then empties through a series of very small ducts called the efferent ducts, out of the testis toward the epididymis is an amazing structure. It is a very long tiny tubule which runs back & forth in convolutions & loops to form tiny compact structure with a head body & tail that its like a cap on the top of & behind the testicles. Somniferous tubules produce sperm constantly maturing & nourishing each one for some forty five days in sertoli or nurse cells attached to the tubule's lining. They are then released into the epididymis the duct where they are matured & stored until needed. Sperm are produced constantly throughout the man's adult life. How ever if ejaculation occurs more than once or twice day it can take five to seven days to replenish the supplies which generally provide 200 to 400 million sperm for each ejaculation.
Testosterone: -
Testosterone is the main male hormone produced mostly in the testes. A hormone is a substance a molecule that acts as a messenger in the blood since the blood flows through the entire body the hormone in it will also reach every spot in the body. Some organs that are susceptible to the hormone will then be told to do something testosterone will cause a boy to change into a man. Testosterone stimulates the development of the male secondary sex characteristics at puberty causing growth of beard & pubic hair development of the penis and the change of voice. He will be able to have erections & will develop feelings of male lust. The hormone also aids in the growth & muscular development of the adult male. If little or no testosterone production occurs before puberty secondary sexual characteristics fail to develop.
Penis: -This is the male organ of coitus or intercourse or the act for reproductivity. It is made of three bodies & covered with skin. It varies in size from person to person. It's normal length when in flaccid condition is 7cm to 12cms and 12 CMS to 21 CMS when erect. The circumference ranges from 7.5 to 10.5 CMS in flaccid condition and in erection it is about 8.5 CMS to 12 CMS.
Glans: -The tip of the penis is known as glans. It is an expansion of the corpus spongionsum. The base of the glans, projects out from the main body of the penis and this projecting margin is called corona.
Prostate: -This gland appears to be a sexual organ, since in animals that have seasonal sexuality, the prostate enlarges during the mating season and then shrinks until the next. In the adults human male, it is about 4 CMS, across as its base and is the size of a chestnut. The prostate is composed of muscular & glandular tissue. It's secretions pass down about 20 small ducts, which lead to the section of the urethra that, pierces the prostate gland, but their purpose is not yet fully understood.
Semen: -This is the mixture of secretions from the prostate seminal vesicle & spermatozoa from the testes. When a man reaches climay, semen starts coming out of the penis with pressure. Each time in two days about 2 to 6 ml semen comes out when man reaches orgasm this is the elixir of reproductivity and semen contains sperms.
Smegma:- Smegma is a mixture of dead skin cells and skin grease. This looks like soap flakes as it hides under the foreskin of the penis. In woman it is found near clitoris. The presence of it denotes the poor standards of person's hygiene, and it can contribute in transmitting disease.
Scrotum or scrotalsac: -
This is the sack behind the penis scrotum is part of the male genitals this is thin walled soft muscular pouch underneath the penis containing two compartment to hold the testicles which manufacture a man's sex cells called sperm and the male sex hormone called testosterone. The testicles feel solid but a little spongy like hard boiled eggs without the shell. They hang (connected) to a cord called the spermatic cold that consists of blood vessels tubes nerve & muscle fibers. Under certain conditions such as exercise, exposure to cold and sexual arousal in particular the muscle fibers in the scrotum cause the entire sac to contract & wrinkle up drawing a the testicles closer to the body. In response to heat or total relaxation the scrotum becomes very loose & soft with a smooth surface and the relaxed muscle fiber cause the testicles to hang farther from the body.
These changes in the scrotum illustrate the primary function of the scrotum, which is to act as a natural climate control center for the testicles. The temperature in the scrotum is a degree or two lower than the usual body temperature. The testicles need this lower temperature in order to carry out their job of producing viable sperm. If the testicles are kept at body temperature or higher for a prolonged period infertility or sterility can result. The scrotum continually monitors the environment for temperature changes & responds automatically in the way that is best for the production of healthy sperm.
A male's scrotum is very sensitive to touch and can be a source of sensual pleasure. Some man enjoys having their scrotum stroked & fondled during sexual activity with their partner. A little massaging of scrotum from underneath, cupping the testicles in the palm of the hand is often sensually pleasing to a male. Some men report that they have learned to delay an impending ejaculation generally pulling down on their testicles. This is one technique used in Tantric intercourse to prolong the sexual experience.
Testicles: -
The testicles found inside the scrotum pouch, the pouch is divided into two smaller pouches each containing one testicle with its epididymis. An epididymis is connected to the testicle and over lies it like a cap. It contains a very large amount of microscopically small tubes. The testicles manufacture a man's sex cells called sperm and the male sex hormone called testosterone. The testicles feel solid but a little spongy like hard boiled eggs without the shell. They hang from cord called the spermatic-cord. The testicles produce sperm best when they are at a temperature which is a few degrees below the normal body temperature, that is why nature has designed a scrotum so that the testes can hang outside the body to keep them cool. The testicles start producing sperm when a young man reaches puberty. The sperm is stored in epididymis. From the epididymis the vas deferens will conduct the `freshly made sperm cell to the area of the prostate. The vas deferens runs together with blood vessels that supply blood to and from the testicles & some muscle fiber; as a sort of long thin sausage they perforate the abdominal wall at the groin. Since from the standpoint of the abdomen the testicles are located outside the body there must be a tiny hole in the abdomen wall there to let the vas deferens in early or later life a hernia may from at this weak spot. Right behind the prostate the vas deferens joins the outlets of the seminal vesicles to be able to leave the body through the urethra as semen in search of a female egg cell.
Like so many other organs in our body the testicles has its identical counter part, the left and right testicles. The testicles both have exactly the same function. Unlike what some people think nothing is held in reserve; both testicles are active although, in normal circumstances one testicles is sufficient.
The sperm: -
The sperm are produced inside several hundred coiled microscopic tubules called somniferous tubules present in the testes. These tubules converge & collect in the form of a delta (the river mouth) near the upper part of the testis called the rete testis, which then empties through a series of very small ducts called the efferent ducts, out of the testis toward the epididymis is an amazing structure. It is a very long tiny tubule which runs back & forth in convolutions & loops to form tiny compact structure with a head body & tail that its like a cap on the top of & behind the testicles. Somniferous tubules produce sperm constantly maturing & nourishing each one for some forty five days in sertoli or nurse cells attached to the tubule's lining. They are then released into the epididymis the duct where they are matured & stored until needed. Sperm are produced constantly throughout the man's adult life. How ever if ejaculation occurs more than once or twice day it can take five to seven days to replenish the supplies which generally provide 200 to 400 million sperm for each ejaculation.
Testosterone: -
Testosterone is the main male hormone produced mostly in the testes. A hormone is a substance a molecule that acts as a messenger in the blood since the blood flows through the entire body the hormone in it will also reach every spot in the body. Some organs that are susceptible to the hormone will then be told to do something testosterone will cause a boy to change into a man. Testosterone stimulates the development of the male secondary sex characteristics at puberty causing growth of beard & pubic hair development of the penis and the change of voice. He will be able to have erections & will develop feelings of male lust. The hormone also aids in the growth & muscular development of the adult male. If little or no testosterone production occurs before puberty secondary sexual characteristics fail to develop. |