Being born a human is blessing and able to reproduce is double blessing. In our society to a woman, unable to bear a child is an unbearable suffering. And suffering knows no barrier, no caste or creed no religion or region, that is living suffering, the suffering of human race. Without children, loss of fertility may the loss of women's hope for future. Infertility/childlessness causes, great personal suffering and distress. Most of the agony and misery is hidden from the public gaze, and that is why this topic is still not talked about openly. The reasons for the lack of public support for the childless couple include the dismal ignorance about the causes of infertility and its treatment.
Infertile couples are socially isolated and emotionally very vulnerable. More and more couple is showing up at fertility clinics these days,searching for answers, hope and eventual parenthood. Hakeem SHAH, a prominent unani physician once said that despite the enormous growth in population, it should be noted that humans are not very efficient at producing babies. All most all the couples expect to have their own babies, once they get married. But getting pregnant is like a game of odds, or game of luck. It is impossible to predict when an individual couple will succeed in achieving pregnancy. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that some eggs do not fertilize and some of the fertilized eggs do not grow well in the early developmental stage. However over a period of one year the chance of achieving a successful pregnancy is between 80% and 90% in other words. 7 out of 8 couples will be on their way to becoming parents within a year. These are the normal "fertile" couples and the rest are labeled as "infertile". And if you have been having sexual intercourse two or three times a week, at about the time of ovulation without any form of birth control for a year or more and have not become pregnant, you meet the definition of being "infertile". Couples who have never had a child are said to have "primary infertility", those women who have become pregnant at least once, but are unable to conceive again said to have "secondary infertility".
The foremost unani practitioner Hakeem SHAH describes that the chances of achieving pregnancy for a couple in a given cycle will be depend upon many factors, and the most important ones are:
The age of the women, as the biological clock ticks on, the number of eggs and their quality starts decreasing.
Frequency of intercourse, couples who have intercourse less frequently have diminished chance of conceiving.
"Trying time" that is how long the couples have been trying to get pregnant. This is an important concept. The longer a couple has been trying to conceive without success the lesser their chances of getting pregnant without medical help.
The presence of fertility problems. |
These are certain condition that warrant seeing a doctor/ physician sooner: |
Periods occurring at three week (or less) intervals |
Periods not occurring for longer than three months |
Irregular periods |
A history of pelvic infection |
Two or more miscarriages |
Women over the age of 35, time is now running out |
Man who have prostate infections |
Man whose testes are not felt in the scrotum |
Men with a low sperm count |
According to Hakeem SHAH, if infertile couples had 30 years in which to breed, most wives would get pregnant with out any treatment at all. Of course, time is limited, so the odds need to be improved. And this is where medical treatment comes in. In the past, infertility was blamed wholely and solely on the women. Perhaps this was because the male psyche equated fertility with virility and viewed failure to father a child with shame. However, research today shows that 40% infertility emanates directly from the man. The commonest reason for this, is what modern medicine/allopathy calls "idiopathic" which simply means we do not know. In allopathy this is one on the reasons why the diagnosis of male infertility is so frustrating for both patients and doctors of modern medicines. In modern medicine medical treatment for male infertility does not have a high success rate and has unpleasant side effects. This simply reflects the modern doctor's ignorance about male infertility. They know very little about what causes it, and their knowledge about how to treat it is even more pitiable.
Unexplained infertility simply means the doctors do not know why the couple is infertile. It is a confession of ignorance of modern medicine. But the time tested, age-old traditional medical system 'unani' has evolved very effective treatment for infertility in male & female.Hakeem SHAH with his elaborate research came up with a very effective unani treatment for infertility.
Hakeem SHAH's treatment consists of rare herbs, rasayanas, bhasmas and minerals. This treatment is prescribed according to the individual requirements after careful analaization of every condition of each patient. For the last 70 years, lots of people were treated with 100% positive results, not only in India but also all over the globe. According to Hakeem SHAH, on the onset of the new millennium, the modern medicine is losing relevance, and unani medicine is the only hope for the childless couple. Even though you may be embarrassed and feel that you are the only ones in the world facing this problem, you should not forget that you are not alone. Many couple experience infertility and many can be helped