Nowadays more and more couples are showing up at fertility clinics around the world, searching for answers, hope and eventual parenthood. Despite the enormous growth in population it should be noted that humans are not very efficient at producing babies. However being born a human is blessing and reproduce is double blessing. In this society to a woman unable to bear a child is an unbearable suffering and suffering knows no barrier, no caste,no creed, no religion or region. |
. In orthodox mindset barren is considered a curse and looked down with hate. Without children loss of fertility, is the loss of woman's hope for future. Infertility/ childlessness cause great personal suffering & distress. Most of this agony & misery is hidden from the public gaze. That is the reason this topic is not discussed about openly. The dismal ignorance & neglect about the causes of childlessness and its treatment are main reason for the lack of public support for childless couple. In many parts of the world childless couples are socially isolated and thus emotionally very vulnerable. In some societies the pressure to conceive is directed towards the woman, and it is often she who has to bear the brunt of its impact.
Childlessness is a medical problem that involves both the couples and both of them remain involved even if only one-person need medical treatment.
To have your own family is a universal dream. This dream can become a night more for the infertile couple and learning that you have an infertility problem can engender painful & difficult emotions. Childlessness often means living in a space of suspended animation waiting seemingly forever through test & treatments for a baby. Childlessness is like a chronic illness that uses up a large amount of a couple's resources emotional and financial and involves the expenditure of a considerable amount of time, money and physical & emotional energy.
Childlessness may bring out feelings of resentment, of guilt, and of despair. Almost all the couples expect to have their own babies, once they get married. But getting pregnant is like a game of odds, or game of luck. It is impossible to predict when an individual couple will succeed in achieving pregnancy.
In the onset of new millennium people, to began believed that modern medicine is losing its relevance in many fields including in the treatment of infertility. We have the very strong conviction that 'Unani Herbalism' is the only hope for the childless couple. It has been proved beyond doubt, in numerous cases around the globe. We have witnessed 100% success results by treating childless couple through the age-old time tested unani medicine, our Chief Hakeem Shah has evolved effective & potent herbo-mineral formulations to treat childlessness after an elaborate & hard research. This treatment is prescribed according to the individual requirement after a careful analysation of every condition and natures of each patient. We have been treating childless couple for the lost 70 years with 100% positive results.
Even though you may be embraced and feel that you are the only ones in the world facing the problem, you should not forget that you are not alone. Many couples experience infertility and many can be helped. We believe our treatment, can bring you back to the happy world and the joyful moments will last for ever…… |