it is important that all women know how to examine their breasts. This is important for the health of your breasts. If you have learnt the technique, spare few minutes every month and you would be able to pick up strange lumps and bumps at an early stage. The best time to examine your breast is usually just after your periods, when they are at their softest. Remember, no two breast are exactly alike one is slightly bigger than the other and a little lower too! For breast examination, undress to the waist; sit in front of a mirror, letting your arms hang loosely by your sides.
Women themselves first detect almost all breast cancers. Detection of breast cancer in the early stages, when it is localised is of paramount importance, because if treated properly, the disease can be cured completely. Hence, all women as a routine health habit to be practicing the importance of self-examination of the breast, monthly, over the age of 20 years. It should be performed at about the same time every month, just after the monthly period, when the breast is least likely to be modular. One must look for any changes since the last time the breasts were examined.
The examination may be performed as follows, examining one side at a time, first inspecting and them palpating the breast.
1. Lie down and put a pillow under the left shoulder, with the left hand under the head. Using the fingers of the right hand, held together and flat, press gently but firmly with small circular movements to feel the upper inner quarter of the breast, starting at the breast bone and going outward till you reach the nipple line. Feel the region around the nipple.
2. Similarly examine the lower inner part of the breast. In this region, a ridge of firm tissue may be felt which is normal.
3. Now, bringing the hand down to the side, still using the fingers, feel under the armpit.
4. After this, examine the upper outer quarter of breast from the nipple line to where your arm is resting , in a similar manner
5. Lastly, with the same gentle pressure examine the lower outer quarter of the breast, starting from the outer part and going to the nipple.
Repeat the same on the other side completing the examination of the breasts. Thus, one broadly looks for a lump, change in the size or shape, puckering, dimpling or any other skin lesion over the breast and any change or discharge from the nipples.If any abnormality is detected do not be alarmed, as all lumps or other changes are not cancers. However it is best to consult a doctor or physician for a complete and proper evaluation of the condition. Remember breast cancer is curable and an early diagnosis makes all the difference.
Fibrocystic disease or painful lumps
Fibrocystic disease, also known as 'benign cystic mastitis' has certainly frightened many women who, on awakening in the mornings, have found painful lumps in their breasts, the conditions strikes almost half of all women at some point in their lives, usually between the ages of 30 and 50. Immediate relief is gained by minor surgery, either in the doctor's office by needle aspiration or in a hospital on an out patient basis for surgical removal of the lump. One may feel better at first, but the disease tends to be chronic, so you may find yourself returning for repeated removal of lumps or fluid The cysts occur, because of the abnormal ratio of estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body during the menstrual cycle. That change in hormone levels is an antidote to estrogen's disturbing effect of cyst formation in the breast. Some allopathy doctors treated this cyst with the help of vitamin-E, but the results are not encouraging.
Unani herbal treatment certainly seems to be a rational therapy for this common problem.